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Why not call us to discuss your latest project.

icon_widget_image Monday-Friday: 9am to 5pm; Satuday: 10am to 2pm icon_widget_image 150 Mile End Road, Colchester, Essex CO4 5BZ icon_widget_image +44 (0)1206-366666 icon_widget_image [email protected]

Alternative energy

Designing for
the future

Alternative energies and energy conservation are part of a global strategy designed to alleviate the damaging effect of growing human populations. On a personal and business level it means ever stricter consumption and output restrictions which can only be met by improved technology and innovation. That's us.

Working to improve

Energy efficiency

Constant improvements in energy efficiency will be required in the coming years.


Reducing energy output

Carbon footprint

Save more energy, use less fuel to power better insulated property. The two go hand in hand


Collecting free energy

Alternative energy

Generating free alternative energy is a great idea. Use people who know how to do it properly.


Feeding energy back

A tailored solution

Every installation is different. The potential for cutting energy loss and generating more varies dramatically.

future proof your property

Delivering renewable energy

We are investing time and resources into research and development to ensure we are at the forefront of sustainability infrastructure, for energy and the environment. Ecobuild 360 is here to help on this path.
Air Source Heat Pump
Ac 2

…for real

New technologies require new skills

Putting it into practice

The successful application of new technologies requires new skills, new ideas and a willingness to improve upon standard techniques and procedures. Our people are fully trained and conversant with the latest methods of energy conservation and production.
Heat loss reduction possible 0
Lower energy bills 0
Long term savings 0